Friday, January 28, 2011

Hey Guys

Ok that was a nice little break I feel myself slipping into procrastination mode and I'm going to be breaking out of it ASAP.

New Reviews are in the works I just have to record and upload sometime this week all HD. Unboxing for Kshatriya and my finished Arcade Stick.

Cool stuff in FEB

Its Coming out ever so quicker. They just released that Hsien Ko and Sentinel are going to be in the game. Which makes me want it even more. I still don't think they are done with characters maybe 2 more but I remember seeing a tweet from Capcom saying they was playing the game and show pictures of finished box and pressed discs. So not to sure what else they gonna have but DLC would be super awesome.

I soooo wasn't going to buy this game because im not exactly a big fan of FPS games. But after playing the demo its really good so I want to pick that up FEB.

Saving the best for last: Katsucon
I definitely want to buy MG Unicorn and thats most likely it unless I can't find it and see another MG I might want maybe. I'll make sure to take lots of photos and just have fun I can't wait!!

Kit wise I think I want to start work on soaking Kshatriya's Conversion parts. I also want to make a order to Samuel Decal and get some decals for my 1/60 Force Impulse and a couple other kits I have. Buy some Spray paint and tools to get ready to start building the new kits as well. I might not be doing that much building wise but i'll be preparing so hopefully I can but if I don't you will know why. Oh and if anything ill start on HG RX-0 Destroy Mode should be a quick fun build :-)

Other news in March I am halting all spending (if possible) to put all my resources in buying a passport ^_^ I'm going to Japan :-) Not this year only because I got tons of stuff I have to do here first and it was kinda just decided last month that I was going. So im trying early next year around March area.

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