Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Fixed the pictures ^_^ I have been trying to make sure when I do a kit and upload photos to photobucket that I keep everything organized and I just moved the pictures into a EVA 00 Album and didn't notice that those three in the last post weren't originally in the album.

EVA 00
Is pretty much done I haven't done any of the weapons, entry plug, and still need to finish detailing the shield. But its still pretty much finish enough to do a review on the kit. Hopefully tonite ill have the video made and uploaded if not ill upload when I get to work. I finally added the water slide decals and I'm so proud of myself I never used them and they came out pretty good.

Future Kits
Umm Megaman should be here soon :-) HG Kshatriya Conversion still waiting to ship. I think next kit ill do though will be my Unicorn "Destroy Mode" with Stand.

Hopefully I will have a airbrush soon and I will probally go back into SD's and maybe HG or NG's again just to test the thing out. I still have abunch of NG that I want to sell maybe ill use those if I can't sell them.

Wow where do I start. This year in 2011 here is my list of conventions I would like to attend:
Philly Comic Con
If anything to go with friends and take pics of cosplayers
I still plan on going but I doubt all three days. Its one of those gain something loose something things. If I go all three/two days I won't have any spending money. If I go one day I can spend some cash. I only really want like MG Unicorn unless I see some crazy hot deal I don't see myself buying anything more than that.
What can I say best anime convention on the east coast period (that I have been to)
This year I'm thinking of cosplaying as Tralfagar Law
So I gotta get crackin on building the sword. I think ill make it out of either wood or card board still not certain on which just yet.
This is so far down the line but im still going again had fun in 2010

Thats all I can think off a couple local con's too but ill bring them up as they come.

With MVC3 coming next month I gotta get crackin on my custom joystick for the tournament. I think I'm gonna paint my stick metallic blue using Tamiya =) I'm going to try and get my custom art printed at Kinkos this week too.

I think thats about it stay tuned!

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