Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday's Blurb

Man alot of votes up there that's great. I already have Astrea Type F and Avalanche Exia. Still planning on how I'm going to attack those two kits. Hopefully if all goes well I will be ordering MG Destiny this weekend along with some other things, so looking forward to that. I need to do another over haul on the blog add some more links on the side etc so I think ill be knocking that out when I get some free time today. As far as kits go when (or if) I order Mg Destiny I want to do a full review. I never put together a MG kit before so I want to do a bunch of vids down to the frame work and painting as well. Seeing how everyone is voting for Destiny as my next build I'll make sure I put alot of stuff out for you guys.
I plan on at least taking Astrea out and cleaning the nubb's etc and preparing for its construction. I don't think I'm going to paint it im just gonna make it super clean and paint the orbs if need be and do a nice panel line job hoping that it will look like this:
Thats actually the pose I want for it as well.
Avalanche Exia and MG Destiny are getting Partial paint jobs. What I mean by partial is that Exia I will paint all the blue parts and black but white and probally yellow will stay the same. On Mg Destiny I will only paint the Red/Blue parts and maybe the Black on the wings I'm not sure I like the regular black.
Which brings me to another question. I saw on GSAM(Gundam Store and More) a pack of "fine" Gundam Markers. I think I will buy a pack included with my big order for friday if I can. I'm still deciding on it though it would help abunch in those hard to reach areas.
I also have been pricing a Figma Haruhi I'm debating on buying it its only like 24 bucks. Not any time soon but it would make a nice addition to my collection plus I like the Figma stands :-) I'll worry about that next month ^_^

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